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Fresh monorepo project, built with Rush, automatically generated everyday with rush init


Time spent0m 24s
Disk usage2 MB
pwuser@factory:/workspace$ bash -exc 'npm i -g @microsoft/rush && mkdir fresh-app && cd fresh-app && rush init && rush update' < /dev/null; echo 'Finished running generator.'
+ npm i -g @microsoft/rush
npm WARN deprecated readdir-scoped-modules@1.1.0: This functionality has been moved to @npmcli/fs
npm WARN deprecated cross-spawn-async@2.2.5: cross-spawn no longer requires a build toolchain, use it instead
npm WARN deprecated read-package-tree@5.1.6: The functionality that this package provided is now in @npmcli/arborist
npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.

added 567 packages, and audited 568 packages in 16s

30 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

8 vulnerabilities (4 moderate, 4 high)

To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
  npm audit fix --force

Run `npm audit` for details.
npm notice 
npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.15.0 -> 9.2.0
npm notice Changelog:
npm notice Run npm install -g npm@9.2.0 to update!
npm notice 
+ mkdir fresh-app
+ cd fresh-app
+ rush init

Rush Multi-Project Build Tool 5.86.0 (unmanaged) -
Node.js version is 16.17.0 (LTS)

Starting "rush init"

Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/.github/workflows/ci.yml
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/.pnpmfile.cjs
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/.npmrc
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/.npmrc-publish
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/artifactory.json
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/build-cache.json
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/command-line.json
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/common-versions.json
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/experiments.json
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/pnpm-config.json
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/rush-plugins.json
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/version-policies.json
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/common/git-hooks/commit-msg.sample
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/.gitattributes
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/.gitignore
Generating: /workspace/fresh-app/rush.json
+ rush update

Rush Multi-Project Build Tool 5.86.0 -
Node.js version is 16.17.0 (LTS)

Starting "rush update"

Script is out of date; updating "/workspace/fresh-app/common/scripts/install-run.js"
Script is out of date; updating "/workspace/fresh-app/common/scripts/install-run-rush.js"
Script is out of date; updating "/workspace/fresh-app/common/scripts/install-run-rushx.js"

Ignoring Git validation because this is not a Git working folder.

Creating /home/pwuser/.rush/node-v16.17.0
Trying to acquire lock for pnpm-6.7.1
Acquired lock for pnpm-6.7.1
Installing pnpm version 6.7.1

Transforming /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/.npmrc
  --> "/home/pwuser/.rush/node-v16.17.0/pnpm-6.7.1/.npmrc"

Running "npm install" in /home/pwuser/.rush/node-v16.17.0/pnpm-6.7.1

added 1 package, and audited 2 packages in 841ms

1 package is looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

1 high severity vulnerability

To address all issues, run:
  npm audit fix --force

Run `npm audit` for details.
Successfully installed pnpm version 6.7.1

Symlinking "/workspace/fresh-app/common/temp/pnpm-local"
  --> "/home/pwuser/.rush/node-v16.17.0/pnpm-6.7.1"

Using the default variant for installation.
Transforming /workspace/fresh-app/common/config/rush/.npmrc
  --> "/workspace/fresh-app/common/temp/.npmrc"

Updating workspace files in /workspace/fresh-app/common/temp

The shrinkwrap file contains the following issues:
  Preferred versions from common-versions.json have been modified.

Checking installation in "/workspace/fresh-app/common/temp"

Running "pnpm install" in /workspace/fresh-app/common/temp

Using hooks from: /workspace/fresh-app/common/temp/.pnpmfile.cjs
readPackage hook is declared. Manifests of dependencies might get overridden

                                                                                        Update available!                       Changelog:                       Run pnpm add -g pnpm to update.                                                                                                Follow @pnpmjs for updates:                                                                           │

repo-state.json has been modified and must be committed to source control.

Rush refreshed some files in the "common/scripts" folder.  Please commit this change to Git.

Rush update finished successfully. (2.67 seconds)
Finished running generator.
pwuser@factory:/workspace$ exit